
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Franken! first edition

I have created my first franken polish!

It was an adventure in shaking and spillage but it was a successful adventure.

The story begins here, with a cat.
A cat like this one. A korat. More specifically, my boyfriend's cat Mallory.
This is Mallory. He (that's right. Mallory is a he) is the most peculiar cat I have ever encountered...
He is scared of everything but the other cats. In the household hierarchy, Mallory is king.
He scurries around the house with his belly close to the floor and attacks anyone who stands in his way.
If Mallory sees your hand approaching him in a way that would suggest touching him, he will react in one of 2 ways...
1. he will quickly scurry away and look back at you in a way that says "I keel you"
2. he squeaks out a "Mallory noise" incomparable to any other sound emitted by a cat and attempts to bite your hand

 With that said, Mallory is a cool cat. Peculiar, independent, and cool. 
He is also the prettiest color...

In his honor, and because I like that color and wanted it very much, I created: Mallory polish

coincidentally, there is a swatch of Wet Cement and Mallory in the background
To make this cool steely gray, I used lots of Sally Hansen in Wet Cement and added a touch of bright blue and a ton of black.

with flash
it is nighttime here so I couldn't get a good picture but I will do a mani with this soon enough
For now, I'm just happy I finally made a franken :)


  1. Awwh, looks like a lovely color!
    The cat looks cool as well xD
    I haven't made my first franken yet!
    I feel so behind ;__;

  2. Oooh! Mallory looks like a Russian Blue. My family adopted one of those cats and they have this beautiful gray coloring with really green eyes.

    I love your franken though! Looks spot on!

  3. what a pretty franken! nice job :D

    oh, and i tagged you for an award in my most recent post :)


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