
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Etude House Swatches- Part 1

I've received a lot of requests for some swatches of Etude House. These polishes can be hard to get, mostly if you don't live in Asia. You have a few options: Ebay, Etude House USA website, or swapping. However, if you're going to work that hard for a bottle of polish, you probably want to know what it looks like before you invest yourself in it.
I certainly do not have all of the Etude house polishes. Not even close. But I do have a few, and I am happy to show them to you and tell you what I think about them.

Today we begin the Etude house swatches with my favorite- Spangles

Etude House nail wheel!
Spangle is what Etude calls their glitter polish
Pink Topaz, Silver Diamond, Crystal Gold, and Ruby Purple

Here are 4 of the 9 available Spangle polish from the LUCIDarling collection by Etude House
Aren't they cute?
Pink Topaz- 1 coat, 2 coats, 3 coats, 1 coat over white
Pink Topaz is the sheerest of the Spangles. It's a pink jelly with loads of pearly glitter
Silver Diamond- 1 coat, 2 coats, 1 coat over black, and 1 coat over white
Silver diamond is my favorite spangle. It's opaque after 3-4 coats and it is made entirely of micro glitter and small hex glitter in silver.
Crystal Gold- 1 coat, 2 coats, 3 coats, and 1 coat over black

Crystal Gold is silver diamond's sister.... It becomes beautifully opaque after 3-4 coats and is made entirely of micro glitter and hex glitter, this time in a flattering shade of yellow gold
Ruby Purple- 1 coat, 2 coats, 3 coats, and 1 coat over black
Finally there is Ruby Purple. It's made of micro fine glitter, almost like glitter dust, in a magenta purple. There are also some purple hex and stars in this. The only downside of Ruby Purple is that is never quite gets opaque. I'm sure with enough determination, one could achieve it, but if you layer it over plum, it's amazing!

I hope this was helpful!

Until next time ^_^

1 comment:

  1. I don't have many EH polishes either but I really love them! I love the pink glitter you showed here!


Thanks for commenting! I read each of them and love hearing what you all think :)