
Friday, January 27, 2012

January Glam Bag

Hi everyone!
I just received my Glam bag a couple of days ago. They were having some issues with shipping so it came in kind of late. At least it is here!

The theme of this month's bag is "Back to Nature" so the Glam bag is filled with all natural products :)
To be honest, I wasn't as excited for this month's items. Not that they aren't great items, they're just not for me. I'll explain...

The item I was most excited about was the item by The Balm. Each bag either received an eyeshadow or a random bottle of polish. I was very lucky and not only ended up with a bottle of nail polish (as I had really hoped for) but I got one of the best colors available: Youre so Hot and Gold

 This is an awesome polish. It is made of gold and small holographic glitter. I swatched it on a nail wheel and it packs some serious shine. I can't wait to show you guys!

Next we have a duo concealer by sheer cover. This is a pretty coveted item in the beauty world. I've heard lots of great reviews about this brand but have yet to try it myself. However, I have already found my go to concealer (boi-ing by Benefit), so I wasn't super thrilled about this.

 Then we have a cleansing conditioner by Wen. This sounded really great! It's not a shampoo! and it's not a 2-in-1, though it kind of is. Sadly, however, I received the sweet almond mint scent, and since mint gives me a headache, I will have to pass on this. I would, however, love to try this product in some of the other scents!
 Lastly we have a full size bottle of Freeman's facial peel-off mask in cucumber. How great of a deal is this! it's so big it couldn't even fit in the Glam bag!
so here it is! the January Glam bag.
Though this month wasn't as great as December's, I'm expecting great things from February's! plus I got a totally awesome polish. I am totally in love with the idea of the glam bag and I am so glad I subscribed :)

Have you tried our My Glam yet?

Until next time ^_^

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