
Sunday, February 19, 2012

Corset Nails

Corset Mani

I had seen a few of these on other people's blogs before. They are usually composed of 2 swipes of color on either side of the nail and are connected by a lace that crisscrosses between the 2 (just like my ring finger). So that's what I was going to do!
However, as I was browsing some other blogger's pages, I came across Nail Stories: Hearty Half Moons and they reminded me of the top of a corset! I thought they were so pretty that I had to try it out for this week's challenge!

As you can see, I did the traditional corset nail on my ring finger, but I used Nail Stories "curtain nails" on the rest of my fingers. To make them look corset-ier I added some frillies and bows :)

This mani was super easy to do! For the corset tops, you just need to do 2 quick swipes from side to middle. They don't have to be super straight since you can fix it with the frillies. Then using a migi pen, make little bouncy half circles along the edge and do a quick bow in the center.
The corset back is made up of 2 semi circle swipes of each side of the nail. Make a few dots, those will be the eyelets. Then using your migi pen (or even a striping brush) crisscross the lines.

Easy peasy!

What I used

Base- Franken Lady Fingers
Corset- Essie in Sassy Satchel
Eyelets- GOSH in Silver
Lace and frillies- Migi Nail Art pen in Shimmering White

I've never been able to find the right shade of nude for me so I ended up making my own... It's the closest I have ever come to true mannequin hands!
All you need to make your own nude polish is a lot of white, a dash of brown, some yellow, and a hint of red. If you have darker skin tone, add more brown. If you have cool undertones, more red.
I'm very pale with warm undertones so I needed a lot of yellow and only a little brown :)

Don't forget to check out my Year of Polish page to see other bloggers who are undertaking this challenge as well as to check out past manis and future challenges!

Until next time ^_^


  1. This is really cute! I like it.

  2. This is how I some what wanted mine to turn out (the top of the corset) but it didn't happen. I really like how yours turned out.

    1. Thanks ChiChi. The tiny Essie brush helps a lot!

  3. These are so cute!! :) xxx

  4. This looks so real! Great job! Its so cute, might have to give it a try!

  5. Awesome corset mani! I need to start mine soon before I fall behind again.

    1. Haha it happens! I was behind the entire first month of the challenge >_<

  6. This is so awesome! It looks amazing.

  7. Nice! How smart to make the heart halfmoons. They look like small cleavages


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