
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Earth Day" Splatter nails

Week 17 of the Year of Polish Challenge is about appreciating the earth :)
I was tempted to do something with grass and the sun and all those pretty things
Unfortunately my time is pretty constrained at this time of the year. There are many a tests to study for a projects to complete and papers to work on... So I did a quick and dirty splatter mani!

I love this kind of mani because you don't have to wait for anything to dry. You just keep right on going then when you're done, stick on a coat of Seche Vite and voila! you're ready to move out!

To keep it "earthy" I used shades of green and blue :D

Turns out I have a much wider variety of green shades... which is odd since I have so much more blue polish!

I used the barrel of an old disassembled pen to splatter my colors... coffee stirrer straws work very well too!
left hand
China Glaze in Re-Fresh Mint
Spoiled in I Only Eat Salads
China Glaze in Four Leaf Clover
Zoya in Zuza
Model's Own in Emerald Black

right hand
China Glaze in Kinetic Candy
China Glaze in For Audrey
China Glaze in Aqua Baby
OPI in Swimsuit... Nailed it!
Barry M in Indigo

Keeping this post short.. Have to get back to studying >_<

Have you ever done a splatter mani? what did you use?

Until next time ^_^


  1. This si absolutely gorgeous...I really need a step by step guide to a splatter mani, I never seem to be able to get it right.

    1. thank you! Here is the video that I watched a bajillion years ago to learn how to do it :)
      I find that the harder/quicker you blow, the more splattery the colors will be. Also, thinner polishes tend to make better splatters while thick polish tends to make larger color globs. So mixing thin and thick polish gives you the best effect!

  2. Oh beautiful!!! :D

  3. wow i love it!! the color combination is really great! <3

  4. Very pretty! I love splatter manis!

  5. I love this splatter mani! Nice work, good colors! :)

  6. Gorgeous! I especially love the blues, they look like the ocean!


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